Beginning the cleaning process outside or inside makes no difference in our opinion, but we always like to wash and inspect the exterior first.

 Where you are makes quite the difference on your water availability and the way you go about washing your RV. If water is endless where you are staying, then just wash as you would your vehicle. Start from the top of your RV, wipe down the entire surface of the roof with a rag, then proceed downward applying the same method. Be careful not to use a power washer, it has been known to peel off the decals. If water is hard to come by where you are staying, watch this video by a fellow GoLife contributor - it will take you step-by-step on how to wash your RV with limited water.

 Note: We did not go into full detail on how to clean the exterior of your RV because the video mentioned above explains in detail just how to wash an RV with limited water. Check it out here.

 As previously mentioned, we by NO MEANS are RV experts. There are a few areas that we rely on professionals to look at, but there are still a few things that we check on ourselves!

 1. Check all fluid levels under the hood. Make sure that you are filled up on washer, brake, oil, and wiper fluid. We have forgotten about the wiper fluid in the past, and well... bugs.

 2. Clean out the storage compartments. This is most important with the compartment that houses your water tank. Let's be real, it can get ugly in there. You work so hard to empty it out frequently. But at the end of the day, it still gets a bit messy and there is not much you can do to prevent that! To clean this out, remove the drain cap, rinse with a hose, scrub with soap, rinse again, drain, ... and never look back.

 3. Inspect the awning. If you are like us, and are staying in a pretty windy location, chances are you may not have had much use of this incredible device. Find a day that the winds are calm, and slide it out in all of its beauty! Make sure that it is sliding out properly, then check the LEDs to see that they are also working as they should. This is an amazing feature, and one that can definitely come in handy when the sunshine is beating on your face.

 4. Check outdoor appliances. Make sure all outdoor refrigerators are cooling, and TVs are working with a click of a button!

 5. Inspect the roof. Anything on top of the roof that has been drilled into your RV can cause a potential leak. Look for any breaks or cracks in the sealant. If you do notice any, make sure to caulk those areas with an approved sealant, or take your RV to the Winnebago Service Department or your local dealer, and they will repair it for you!

 Like any home, the inside of your RV is your sanctuary! It's where you start and end your day. You bought your RV for the great outdoors, but you still spend quite a bit of time inside. After a while, your RV begins collecting dust, smudges, and just needs a good cleaning! But don't worry, you now have the comforts of A/C, refreshments, and ... the kids.

 Interior Cleaning Checklist

 Remember to clean top to bottom and left to right to make sure you don't miss anything.

 One of our pro tips is that before you bust out those cleaning supplies, take everything out of your RV. Cushions, linens, smaller appliances, and anything else you find on counters. This will help you in the cleaning process so that you're not having to clean around items or move them out of the way. This will help you to not feel so overwhelmed! Make sure to place these items in a safe and protected spot outside your RV.

 Young boy removes items from the RV for RV spring cleaning

 If you have young kids, this is their moment to shine! Hand them a small water gun filled with the cleaning solution and direct them to spray the ceiling, walls, counters, and cabinets. We have found incorporating our kids in the cleaning process in a fun and playful way helps our cleaning process run MUCH smoother, and A LOT faster!

 After your kids have successfully turned your RV into a water park, begin on the ceiling. Wipe down all areas of the ceiling. Make sure to scrub all can-lights and vents, which may have collected quite a bit of dust.

 To remove the filter from your vent, you will first need to remove the lid. This can simply be done using a screwdriver. Once you've taken out the filter, rinse it with water (removing all dust), and let it dry. Once dry, place it back into the vent along with the lid. Super easy and SUPER important!

 RV Spring Cleaning, detail view of vent filter being cleaned

 Once all areas of your ceiling have been addressed, move down to the walls. Apply the same steps you did with the ceiling. Wipe all areas of your walls! This includes cabinets and doors as well. I know this can feel like a lot, so if you feel a bit overwhelmed, just have your kids draw on the walls ... with the rags. They'll never know the difference, right? ;) Hang in there, this is the toughest part!

Phoenix mobile RV washing service

 This includes countertops, your front dash, chairs, couches, and TVs.

 Wash all bed linens and vacuum each mattress.

 Moving into the bathroom, sprinkle some baking soda and lemon juice into your toilet and shower and let sit. After about 15 minutes, scrub toilet and shower, and rinse. Make sure to wipe down at the end for a nice super-shiny bathroom!

 Young woman scrubs down the RV toilet for spring cleaning

 Use a non-abrasive cleaning solution to clean this part of your RV. We use Mrs. Myers, but there are many to choose from.

 Be sure to use an ammonia-free product on tinted windows.

 After all the ceiling, walls, counters, and cabinets have been cleaned, you will find that a lot of the dust has fallen to the floor. Grab your broom (cause it's a mess), and begin sweeping into piles. Make sure you are sweeping every corner, behind furniture, and anywhere else dust might be hiding. Vacuum each pile, then proceed to mop all areas of the floor.

 After all the ceiling, walls, counters, and cabinets have been cleaned, you will find that a lot of the dust has fallen to the floor. Grab your broom (cause it's a mess), and begin sweeping into piles. Make sure you are sweeping every corner, behind furniture, and anywhere else dust might be hiding. Vacuum each pile, then proceed to mop all areas of the floor.

 Young woman sweeps floor of Winnebago Intent for spring cleaning

 Making a paste out of baking soda and warm water, spread paste inside your oven and let sit overnight. This will remove all splatters and spills that have accumulated over time! Wipe clean the next day.

 Wipe down the inside of your microwave with vinegar, lemon juice, and warm water. A good tip here is to microwave a wet paper towel for a couple of minutes, then wipe down with the solution. That extra step just helps to get everything good and loosened up.

 First, remove all questionable food that has been lingering in the back of the fridge for a while. (If you're unsure, THROW IT OUT! It's just not worth it, you guys.) Then, wipe down the inside of your fridge with your vinegar solution. While you're at it, throw a box of baking soda in there and replace every now and then as it loses its deodorizing power.

 Remove all old spices and food you haven't touched in the pantry. (Space is limited people, and you NEED all the extra space you can get). Maybe now is a good time to organize your shelves with sliders or baskets as well. The nice thing about spring cleaning is that you get to decide how far you go!

 Since your floor is spic and span, this is a good time to sit down for a minute because YOU earned it! Don't even think about how there are still like 4 (maybe 5... or 6) steps left- all that matters right now is that all your hard work is paying off. Grab some freshly squeezed lemonade, talk to your kids about walking uphill both ways, and dream about nice long trips in your beautifully cleaned RV.

 Ok, break is over, time to get back to work!

 Remember all of those items you took outside? Well, it's time to bring those back inside, but first you will need to wipe down and clean those items. Shake out all the rugs, wipe down and vacuum all cushions, and then bring all items back to where they belong.

 Young boys help with RV spring cleaning and wipe down household accessories

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